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Doing Whatever is Necessary

I had the privilege last Friday to do my first podcast with a wonderful human being who is doing unbelievable things to help those most in need. The first time I talked to her on the phone several weeks back I was blown away by her energy and commitment to helping families and individuals who desperately need it. I knew instantly after that conversation I wanted to do whatever I could to help spread the word and encourage people to participate by volunteering and donating to her efforts to make life a little more tolerable for those living in extremely difficult circumstances.

Yes, this is a tease to get you to listen to the podcast. However, I promise it will be a great time investment on your part and I expect many of you will call or email to get involved helping kids and families that need it most. I know after enjoying many terrific conversations over the last several weeks with old and new friends about finding truly meaningful ways to give back that this effort is real and this effort is making a difference in the lives of families that can use a helping hand.

A special shout out to Jenny Bailey for the introduction to my new friend. I am beginning to see the power of networking when good people join together to help others. I promise not to spoil the interview but man-o-man my new friend, along with great volunteers like Jenny, have brought smiles to the faces of many children and their families over the last six months with their efforts and kind contributions. As I write this next paragraph I am wondering whether I should mention my guest’s name or leave you hanging for the podcast to hear for yourself. I am going to trust that you will listen to the podcast and you will recommend that your kids listen to it and their friends listen to it. OK? It’s a deal. My guest is Kimber Bishop-Yanke. She is awesome and I can’t wait for you to hear her story and what she is doing to help others. Listen to the podcast here!

P.S. I am pleased and touched that my son-in-law Justin Glick wrote and performed the opening song for me and the 3rd Act endeavor. Check it out. I really dig it. Thanks, Justin.

A Change is Gonna Come

Check out this great video from two of my favorite performing artists. Brandi Carlile and Gary Clark Jr. have been creating some great music over the last few years and are finally getting recognized for their distinctive styles and voices. Seeing this recent video was great and I thought they really pulled it off beautifully. 

I will leave the interpretation of the song in today’s world for you to consider.

I will just say I thought of eight current topics in less than a minute

so I am sure you have your own without difficulty.

Have a great weekend!

Roger N. Steed

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