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Building on a Purpose

I have realized the last several weeks that my purpose to help others has many layers and it is kind of wild for me to consider all the threads that touch and affect the end result. If you have read my previous blogs you know I am amazed by the connective thread that started with one golf buddy and led to multiple new contacts, beginning a journey that is still unfolding in many fantastic ways.

Other threads from old friends have led to discoveries of new acquaintances that have blossomed into meaningful podcasts and newsletter blogs that spotlight organizations and individuals that are doing great things to help others. Several of my podcast guests have commented in their own way about the positive motivation that the COVID virus has produced in my life. I recognize that the observation is true and has provided a surge of energy and mindfulness that is hard to describe, but one that I am willing to accept and go all in to find out where it leads.

This may sound a little weird, but I have often replayed a podcast on my long walks from one of my guests because I enjoy them and I find real delight in hearing my guests talk about subjects that are important in their lives. It blows my mind that I have been able to have these deep conversations with folks I barely knew but who have so much good advice and inspiration for anyone willing to spend a little time listening.

I got a new jolt of energy recently listening to a podcast suggestion from my friend Alex Davis. She is aware I am a big fan of music producer Rick Rubin. Rubin has this amazing track record of collaborations with famous artists such as Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Adele, Run-DMC, and Red Hot Chili Peppers among many others. This amazing producer has joined with one of my favorite writers, Malcolm Gladwell, to produce these amazing hour-long podcasts for Broken Records that really get to the heart of music creativity, focusing on how a particular artist describes their musical journey and influences along the way.

My new energy boost stems from the Zen-like interview style of Rubin and Gladwell that truly captures some personal and revealing tidbits of information that expand my mind about all these incredible artists. This interview approach pulls you in so close that you feel like you are in this tiny room with Rubin and Gladwell as they chat with Bruce Springsteen, Sturgill Simpson, Jeff Tweedy, or Brandi Carlile. This up close and personal approach is so intoxicating to any music enthusiast that I hope to emulate their style in 2021 as I move forward on my journey to help others.

An important thread that I recognize after reviewing all my fantastic conversations is the spiritual aspect that has come from meaningful interviews. I remain on the quest of this spiritual awakening but I know personally that my purpose is developing into a good thing that hopefully helps those less fortunate. God has allowed me to find myself while I still have the energy and health to accomplish some good things on this planet, with His help.

In my mind, these meaningful threads are intertwined into a strong rope or cord that can pull up many people who find themselves in debilitating conditions and could use a little assistance. The combination of good stories, unimaginable connections, and faith-based inspiration and guidance, has lead to some awesome results.

I am reminded of an inspirational comment from Andrew McAllister’s friend, Ross Ormond, on their great video last week that God has given him strong legs, strong lungs, and a strong heart and it is important for him to be an example and help others in a physical way. There is no excuse. It is just a willingness to help others. I hope to emulate his remarks in years to come.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Read all about it! The winner of the 3rd Act Holiday Giveaway is Aly Murray. Aly’s name was chosen from thousands of entrants (not really) in our little Holiday cash and donate drawing. Many of you may remember Aly as the founder of UPchieve, the free online tutoring organization that is helping high school students with math and other necessary skills to achieve college placement and upward mobility. I think it is really cool that Aly wanted to participate in our little giveaway effort. She will be receiving a $500 Visa cash card and have the opportunity to donate $500 to her favorite spotlight organization. I wonder which charity she will choose.

As this will be our last newsletter for 2020 I want to leave you with a small challenge that I know everyone can do. I want everyone to choose their favorite Zen-like memories in their life and focus on them for five minutes each day over the next 10 days. I promise if you do this you will feel refreshed and optimistic about your prospects in 2021.

Just for fun. Here is mine. Join me.

I am in Telluride, Colorado, in early March on a perfect spring skiing day. After three or four hours of skiing with friends and family, we stop for a late lunch at a large warming hut with outdoor picnic tables and huge chairs. Feeling strong from hours of skiing without killing myself, I plop down in a big Adirondack chair with a Coors Light facing the bright sun to relax and take it all in. I close my eyes and just listen to people laughing and having a good time, aided by the aroma of someone grilling on the patio. All of a sudden, a musician starts playing one of my favorite songs and my mind and body totally go to a distant place of peace and tranquility. And out of my mouth comes this big sigh of relief ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yep that is one of my favorite images and I will definitely be going there next week. Hope to see you there.

The song by the way is “Walking in Memphis” by Marc Cohn.

Check out this video from the Cornbury Musical Festival in 2018 with Marc talking about the inspiration for his amazing smash hit. Cheers.

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Dec 28, 2020

Fantastic year end messages in an unprecedented year in which you’ve raised the bar, Roger, on finding and gifting strength and inspiration in the face of adversity.

I especially like daily “Zen-like memories” suggestion and LOVE the threads-to-rope metaphor.

Thank you for being and providing such an invaluable spool of threads, my friend!

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