I have been blessed to share podcast recordings with some amazing people since I started down this path of sharing inspiring stories of good people doing great work to help others. I hope you have had a chance to listen to a few of them. They tell stories of abundant generosity to give back to those that need it most. Some have overcome challenges and many just decided this is my time to give back and decided to plunge in and start helping others.
The podcast that you will hear shortly has a lot of meaning to me. It is hard for me to pinpoint the exact reason, but I express in my introduction that over most of my adult life I have been drawn to church and church activities by great pastors that have a gift to deliver a good sermon or have a special personality that attracts me.
My guest today is Dr. Matt Hook, senior pastor at Dexter United Methodist Church. When my family moved to Michigan over 22 years ago Matt was an associate pastor shepherding young adults and teens at Birmingham First United Methodist Church. Matt was great at his job and brought his great personality and musical abilities to a new contemporary service in the newly built Christian Life Center.
My memories of Matt and his musically-oriented services are that they were very engaging and it started a new growth opportunity for the church that not only attracted young people but also adults like me and my wife, Jean. The music was flowing and the praise band was very talented. Matt and his helpers did a fantastic job communicating with a congregation looking for something new and uplifting.
On the podcast, you will hear someone special leading an active mission-focused church in Dexter, Michigan, that is sure to get your attention. The church website is full of information on the many missions they are undertaking. Special mention goes to Faith in Action (FIA) at this time of year which is a faith-based, non-profit and community-funded organization helping many of their neighbors in the Dexter and Chelsea area. FIA strives to create stability for struggling families, offering a hand up and encouragement from people in the community looking for an opportunity to give back.
Healing the Children (HTC) is another great charity that Matt and his family have been involved in for many years. HTC partners with American healthcare providers to help underserved children around the world secure urgently needed medical care. The Hook family has been blessed to have some special children stay with them while they were getting first-class medical attention next door in Ann Arbor. Please check out HTC website to get more information. www.healingthechildren.org
I also recommend that you take the time to check out Matt’s church podcasts from November 8th and 15th. Both podcasts have a great message and share my mission to expand our community at the 3rd Act through Grouplife and to increase our generosity through abundant giving. www.dexterumc.org
It is with great pleasure and a real thrill to share this podcast with you today. Enjoy!
Listen to the latest episode
with Matt Hook, here.
This great song written by John Hiatt followed many personal challenges in his life. If you insert God at the center of this message, it really changes the meaning and makes a huge statement.
All the best to you and your family, Roger N. Steed