Hanging Up My Blogging Cleats
Life is amazing and if some of us are lucky, we get to experience a new chapter during our lives that sparks a transition, causing us to step up our game.
My journey, with the help of family and friends, to launch my 3rd Act website along with periodic blogs and podcasts has reshaped my mind and heart in remarkable ways. Meeting scores of wonderful people who are truly making this world a better place for folks battling numerous issues, including food insecurity, housing scarcity, foster-care hardships, disability challenges, and the severe education gap, has been life-changing for me.
I am grateful and very fortunate to have had the opportunity to share my guest’s personal stories and their lifequake moments that sparked major changes in their lives. Meeting new friends who are making a difference in this crazy world has been uplifting and rewarding beyond belief. Reviewing many of the blogs and podcasts we have posted on the website and social media makes me feel good that we helped expand the audience of many worthy non-profits and organizations. So many great people helping others need to be recognized and celebrated.
The next chapter of my personal 3rd Act begins next year. I am suspending my postings of blogs and podcasts on the website and will be reducing my social media posts. The website will remain available next year if anyone wants to direct a friend or family member to the site for an introduction to many terrific people and organizations. I will also be available on my 3rd Act email: info@wearethirdact.com for personal communication.
I promise to remain involved in helping non-profits and organizations in our community. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance. It has been a blessing and a wonderful journey over the last three years. Thank you very much for being a part of it.
All the best,
Roger N. Steed

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The Pillars of My 3rd Act
Read a little bit more about the focus of our efforts.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
3rd Act's mission is to spotlight individuals, charities and small businesses that need a helping hand due to economic carnage and reduced alternatives to increase cash necessary to continue operating or just make it through a month of living expenses.
3rd Act's desire is to provide a platform for individuals and charities by engaging in an in-depth conversation that highlights the need and support mechanisms available for financial support through direct funding or helping to organize fund raising campaigns.
It is not a surprise to anyone paying attention to realize that the economic hardship caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus and mandated closure of many small businesses is immense and has resulted in many worthwhile small charities to experience extreme
lack of funding from annual campaigns and
fund raising efforts.
Join Me
I have realized over the last several months that my purpose to help others has many layers and it is really amazing to consider all of the threads that touch and affect the end result.
If you have read my blogs over the past six months you know that I am thrilled by the connective thread that started with a golf buddy and led to multiple new contacts, beginning a journey that is still unfolding in many fantastic ways.
Several of my podcast guests have commented in their own way about the positive motivation that the COVID virus has produced in my life. I recognize that the observation is true and has provided a mindfulness and a surge of energy that is hard to describe, but one that I am willing to accept and go all in to find out where it leads.
Roger N. Steed